Cooking Class

2,164 ViewsThe cost of taking a cooking class in Singapore can be costly. Therefore, making an informed decision is essential and ensuring that you make the most of each class once enrolled. In this post, we will discuss how to pick your class, and in a later post, we willContinue Reading


1,667 ViewsI spent only a few days in Halifax and visiting the surrounding area. I really loved it and I especially loved eating lots of lobsters! I ate it for breakfast with eggs Benedict, as a snack in a dip, for lunch in a lobster roll and for dinner inContinue Reading


1,440 ViewsWhen I learned that this was where I was going to have my cooking activity during my Italian immersion. I decided to eat there out of curiosity… And since then, I have eaten there at least twice a week. First, because it’s 5 minutes from my school, but aboveContinue Reading